Securities held for petroleum operations

The Northern Territory Government is required to publish security amounts for petroleum operations under the Petroleum Act 1984.

Read more about securities for onshore petroleum.

The table below shows environmental securities held since 1 July 2023.

Petroleum interest:

  • EP -  exploration permit
  • OL - production licence.

This information is updated at the start of each month.

Petroleum interestAmount
OL3 $ 906,445.00
OL4 $ 492,860.78
EP76 $ 1,563,649.00
EP82 $ 298,253.00
EP93 $ 252,414.00
EP97 $ 193,591.00
EP98 $ 2,748,628.00
EP107 $ 49,393.00
EP112 $ 830,128.00
EP115 $ 131,269.00
EP125 $ 982,796.80
EP126 $ 97,865.00
EP134 $ 135,082.00
EP136 $ 1,025,749.00
EP161 $ 7,200,592.80
EP171 $ 171,343.00
EP176 $ 24,750.00
EP187 $ 3,443,198.50
Joint petroleum interest securities
EP171, EP176 $ 36,576.00
OL4, OL5, EP115 $ 59,225.00
EP176, EP190 $ 112,010.00
EP171, EP190 $ 2,300.00
EP82, EP112 $ 35,000.00
EP98, EP117$ 1,435,912.80
EP76, EP98, EP117 $ 2,265,385.00
OL4, OL5 $ 2,690,349.83
EP76, EP98 $ 283,678.00
EP112, EP125 $ 255,041.00
Total environmental security held $ 27,723,485.51

More information

To read more about onshore petroleum activities and titles, go to the following websites:

  • Spatial Territory Resource Information Kit for Exploration (STRIKE)
  • Petroleum Onshore Information Northern Territory (POINT).

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