Petroleum activities reporting

How to submit petroleum reports

You can submit reports as listed below.

Type of report Where to send it
Annual reports and copy
Drilling cores should be submitted to the core facility manager with the petroleum core submission form.
Well completion reports, seismic and other geophysical survey reports, geological studies (if files less than 10mb)

Activity notifications, well activity reports, production reports and any other petroleum activity reports.

For larger petroleum geoscience reports and data, you can send them to the petroleum data manager using the details below.

You can also submit reports and data in person or by mail to:

Petroleum Data Manager
Northern Territory Geological Survey
Department of Mining and Energy
Level 4 Paspalis Centrepoint building
48-50 Smith Street (Corner of Knuckey Street and Smith Street Mall)
Darwin NT 0800

GPO Box 4550
Darwin NT 0801

For more information, call 08 8999 5273 or email

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