Develop a pipeline management plan
You must have an approved pipeline management plan in place prior to:
- applying for a consent to construct or operate a pipeline
- modifying a pipeline
- decommissioning a pipeline.
A pipeline management plan may provide for one or more pipelines.
Stages covered by pipeline management plans
A pipeline management plan may be submitted for one or more of the following stages for the pipeline:
- design and construction
- operation
- modification
- decommissioning.
A pipeline management plan may cover one or more of these stages.
For more information on this process, call the Energy Division on 08 8999 5460.
Content of a pipeline management plan
Before developing your pipeline management plan, you must reach an agreement with the relevant minister on the content of the plan.
You must also agree the scope of validation.
Your plan must include all of the following information for the stage of your pipeline:
- description of your strategic health and safety objectives
- description of the pipeline including:
- design
- route corridor
- composition of materials to be conveyed
- description of your pipeline management system
- description of the standards applying to the pipeline
- arrangements for recording, storage and access to pipeline related documents
- arrangements for reporting on pipeline activities
- arrangements for managing the integrity of assets
- an environmental management plan.
For more information about developing your plan, read sections 26 to 32 of the Energy Pipelines Regulations 2001.
Acceptance of the pipeline management plan
You must submit your plans for construction or operation to the relevant minister for acceptance once validated by an independent pipeline expert as:
- being fit for purpose
- meeting required standards - the validator's report must also be submitted with your plans.
Other plans still in development (for example, for commissioning activities) may be submitted to the relevant minister for acceptance upon completion of development.
For more information on this process, call the Energy Division on 08 8999 5460.
How to submit the pipeline management plan
You can submit your pipeline management plan by post, fax, email or in person:
Energy Division
Department of Mining and Energy
Level 4 Paspalis Centrepoint building
48-50 Smith Street (corner of Knuckey Street and Smith Street Mall)
Darwin NT 0800
GPO Box 4550
Darwin NT 0801
Fax: 08 8999 5191
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