Agricultural Value Add Opportunities Grant Program

If you're a Northern Territory (NT) business, you may be eligible to apply for funding to develop or expand your value-add capabilities.

This $500,000 program supports projects that align with one or more of the 52 opportunities identified in the assessment of value-add opportunities across the NT agribusiness sector report PDF (2.1 MB).

Value adding opportunities were broadly defined in the report's executive summary to include any steps likely to increase the gross value of agribusiness production (GVP), including:

  • a production improvement
  • an input or logistics improvement
  • a marketing activity
  • some form of processing.

'Value' may be:

  • an increase in production volume
  • an increase in unit value
  • a decrease in unit cost
  • an increase in enterprise return
  • an increase in Territory production
  • an increase in employment.

Who can apply

You can apply if you:

  • are a primary producer or engaged in a linked industry
  • are a Territory enterprise
  • hold a valid Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • are financially stable and solvent.

What you can apply for

Eligible businesses can apply for up to 50% co-contribution to a maximum of $50,000.

This competitive grant program offers 2 streams of support to assist businesses to undertake activities that align with the report:

  • Stream 1 - Funding for projects, including service provision, capital items and/or installation
  • Stream 2 - Capital works funding for one-off projects including construction of new facilities, extension to or upgrading of existing facilities.

How to apply

To apply, follow these steps:

Step 1. Read the terms and conditions.

Terms and conditions PDF (311.4 KB)
Terms and conditions DOCX (209.4 KB)

Step 2. Familiarise yourself with the 52 opportunities identified in the report PDF (2.1 MB).

Step 3. Apply through GrantsNT.

Applications are now closed.

Successful applicants

A total of $509,808 has been awarded in grants to 14 local businesses for projects that will contribute to growing the agricultural sector.

Successful applicantProjectIndustryRegion
DM Cattle Pty LtdExpand pasture, and finishing and feedlotting facilitiesLivestock - cattleTop End
African Mahogany (Australia) Pty LtdSawmill equipment in the forestry industryForestryBig Rivers
Go Wide Meat Company Pty Ltd, Eva Valley MeatsUpgraded meat processing equipmentOther agribusinessTop End
Groote Aqua CorporationAquaponics and seafood processing on Groote EylandtSeafoodEast Arnhem
Rum Jungle Meat Exports Pty LtdNew, efficient meat processing equipmentOther agribusinessTop End
A.A Nguyen & J SciasciaNew fisheries management toolsSeafoodDarwin
Northern Australia Aboriginal Kakadu Plum Alliance Cooperative LtdProcessing equipment for bushfoodsOther agribusinessTop End
Schafer Northern Pastoral Pty LtdRemote monitoring equipment - infrastructure and livestockLivestock - cattleBig Rivers
Bunderra Cattle CoEquipment for conversion to organic hay productionLivestock - cattleBarkly
Humpty Doo Barramundi Pty LtdEquipment for fish processing facilitySeafoodDarwin
I and L (NT) Pty LtdImprove water infrastructure on pastoral landLivestock - cattleBig Rivers
The Trustee for Holcome Family Trust, Farrcombe ContractingMeat processing equipment and cold storageLivestock - cattleBig Rivers
A.N Howie & C.V HowieEquipment to upgrade existing seed cleaning facilityField cropsBig Rivers
XO Aviation Pty LtdNew application aircraft to service the Northern Territory broadacre and pastoral industries.Other agribusinessTop End


For more information, email or telephone 1800 193 111.

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