Honey bee pest and disease surveillance program survey

If you require assistance completing this form, email honeybee@nt.gov.au or call 08 8999 2118.

Date of inspection *
Varroa Mite
Did you find evidence of Varroa Mite? *
eg. sugar shake, alcohol wash or drone uncapping - visual only inspection is not acceptable.
Small Hive Beetle
Did you find evidence of Small Hive Beetles? *
eg. trap/jail, sticky board, visual frame inspection. If other, please specify.
American Foulbrood
Did you find evidence of American Foulbrood? *
eg. matchstick test, AFB test kit, visual frame inspection. If other, please specify.
Other pests or diseases
Did you find evidence of other pests or diseases? *

If any of the above pest and diseases are present, you need to ring the exotic plant pest hotline on 1800 084 881. The hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Notification is a requirement under the Northern Territory Livestock Act 2008.

Privacy statement

By taking part, your personal information will be collected and used by the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade (DITT) for this program only.

Your information may be disclosed:

  • if its required by the Information Act 2002
  • to other agencies if an exotic pest is found to aid in biosecurity response activities.

To find out more about how we handle your information, read the department's on the DITT website.

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