
Register for a property identification code (PIC)

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

e.g. Smith farm, Smith block, Smith Springs, Smith Pastures
Pastoral lease # / NT portion # / section # / hundred of X
Include suburb or town

Land owner details

As registered with Land Titles Office

Property / Residential details

If renting

Livestock kept on the property

Number of head for each species of livestock


Notice to new property owners/agents/tenants

If you intend to run, or are running livestock on your property including agistment livestock, you must meet the requirements of the Livestock Act 2008 for livestock movement and identification such as waybills, brands and the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS).

For more information on your legal obligations as a livestock owner, contact your local livestock biosecurity officer:

For more information or assistance in completing this form, email ntpic.brands@nt.gov.au, Livestock Identification Systems Administrator (LISA) and Brands Biosecurity & Animal Welfare Group in the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade.

Privacy statement

The Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade respects and is committed to safeguarding the confidentiality and privacy of the information that it collects and handles, in accordance with the Northern Territory Information Act 2002.

You have been asked to provide personal information necessary to register your property for a property identification code (PIC). If you choose not to provide the personal information required we might not be able to accept or process your application, or your application may be refused.

Some of the information provided by you will be made publicly available through the internet, as part of a public register published on the NT Government website. This will be limited to the PIC, property name, street address, region and active biosecurity management plan.

The information you provide will be accessible to the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade and will only be used to provide a department service or program.

We will not disclose your personal information to third parties unless:

  • authorised or required by law to do so
  • you have given us your consent to share your personal information for a specific purpose.

You may request access to the personal information we hold about you. To find out more read our privacy policy . If you want more information about the Northern Territory's privacy laws, please refer to the Northern Territory Information Act 2002, or the Office of the Information Commissioner NT.

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