
This page has information about growing passionfruit at home in the Northern Territory (NT).


About passionfruit

Name: passiflora.

Australian distribution: passionfruit can be grown in most parts of Australia.


Passionfruit vines have spectacular flowers. It is often grown for its looks. Fruit are round or oval in shape and filled with juice and seeds.

Preferred climate and soil

Passionfruit vines prefer well drained and fertile soil. They need to be planted at a depth of roughly 70cm.


Panama red is the most common passionfruit variety grown in the NT.


Passionfruit vines should be grown in mounded soil for good drainage. 

They are climbing plants and and need support from trellises. They will need protection from the wind. Space plants 3m apart and layer with mulch. 

Water regularly with micro-sprinklers or drip irrigation.

Pests and diseases

There are several pests and diseases that affect passionfruit vines.

The pests that affect passionfruit vines including all of the following:

  • Queensland fruit fly 
  • mealy bugs 
  • hemispherical scale
  • passionvine mite
  • fruit spotting bug 
  • green vegetable bug
  • passionvine bug
  • thrips
  • aphids
  • borers
  • birds. 

Diseases that affect passionfruit vines include all of the following:

  • alternaria spot
  • fusarium wilt
  • brown spot
  • septoria spot
  • phytophthora blight
  • anthracnose
  • scab
  • cucumber mosaic virus
  • passionfruit woodiness virus. 

You will need to look after your passionfruit to reduce crop loss or damage. 

Fruit season

Fruit is available six months after planting.


Pick at full colour.


Passionfruit can be stored at 7 degrees Celsius for two weeks.


Passionfruit pulp is added as a flavour or garnish to fruit salad, pavlova, slices, cheesecakes, ice-cream and yoghurt. It can also be used as a drink flavouring.

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