Free training courses

The Northern Territory (NT) and Australian governments are jointly funding a range of courses to give you practical skills for work.

These TAFE and vocational education and training (VET) courses are open to Territorians who meet the relevant eligibility criteria.

If you’re eligible, you can access a free place through Charles Darwin University (CDU) and the Batchelor Institute.

A small administration and resource fee may apply to some courses.

Find out more below.

What courses are available

Places are offered in the following priority sectors:

  • hospitality and tourism
  • care sectors including aged care, disability and early childhood
  • agriculture
  • VET workforce
  • technology and digital
  • construction
  • sovereign capability
  • sales and personal service
  • NT creative industries
  • business
  • food processing.

Who can apply

Anyone can apply, the following are considered as priority groups and are encouraged to apply:

  • First Nations Australians
  • people out of work or receiving income support
  • people aged 17 to 24
  • unpaid carers
  • women facing economic insecurity
  • women undertaking study in non-traditional fields
  • people with a disability.

How to apply

To enrol, contact a training provider. They will confirm timing and availability of courses.

For more information, go to the following websites:

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