Contact an emergency service

Common phone numbers for use in an emergency are listed below.


For emergency ambulance attendance, call 000.

For general enquiries, call 1300 360 455.

Community safety

Use the following phone numbers for information about or to report a safety issue.

Exotic animal diseases

Call the emergency animal disease hotline on 1800 675 888.

Weeds or exotic plants

Call the exotic plant pest hotline on 1800 084 881.

Urgent pollution incidents

Call the Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority Pollution hotline on 1800 064 567.

Marine safety

Call the Department of Logistics and Infrastructure on 08 8924 7100.

Rail safety

Call the Department of Logistics and Infrastructure on 08 8924 7209.

Electricity, water or gas emergency

You should contact Power and Water if you have an emergency with your electricity, water or sewerage.

In an emergency only, call 1800 245 090.

To check for underground services before drilling or digging on a property, call Dial Before You Dig on 1100 or Power and Water on 1800 245 092.

NT Fire and Rescue Service

For emergency firefighter attendance, call 000.

For general enquiries in the northern NT, call 08 8946 4107.

For general enquiries in the southern NT, call 08 8951 6688.

For after-hours enquiries, call 08 8922 1555.

National Relay Service

If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact the police, fire or ambulance through the National Relay Service on any of the following:

  • TTY call 106
  • speak and listen call 1800 555 727
  • internet relay and ask for Triple Zero (000).

NT Emergency Service

For life threatening emergencies, call 000.

For 24-hour assistance during floods, storms and cyclones, call 132 500.

For general enquiries in the northern region, call 08 8922 3630.

For general enquiries in the southern region, call 08 8951 9300.


For emergency police attendance, call 000.

For police assistance, call 131 444.

For other police contacts, specialist units or remote station contact details, go to the NT Police Force website.

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