Road signs in the Northern Territory

Traffic signs warn you of possible dangers and provide information. They tell you what the rules are and what the road conditions are like.

Find out more below about the meaning of different road signs in the Territory.

If you are a visitor to the Northern Territory, get more information about staying safe on the roads from the Road Safety website.

Regulatory signs

Regulatory signs inform you of traffic laws or regulations. You must obey a regulatory sign or risk facing a penalty or traffic fine.

Regulatory signs are normally placed at the point or beginning of the section where the regulation applies.

They are rectangle in shape – except for the stop, give way and roundabout signs.

The signs are usually black on a white background but sometimes they also have a colour such as red or yellow.

Roundabout sign Roundabout sign
There is a roundabout ahead.
Roundabout sign Roundabout sign
Give way to vehicles on the roundabout.
Stop sign Stop sign
You must stop your car at the sign or stop line.
Give way sign Give way sign
When turning at an intersection, you must give way.
Wrong way sign Wrong way sign
You must turn your vehicle around and go back.
Keep left sign Keep left sign
You must drive to the left of this sign.
Keep right sign Keep right sign
You must drive to the right of the sign.
One way sign One way sign
You must only drive in the direction shown by the arrow.
Two way sign Two way sign
This road now has two lanes of traffic travelling in opposite directions. You must drive to the centre of the road if there is no dividing lane.
Right lane must turn right sign Right lane must turn right sign
You must turn right at the intersection.
Left lane must turn left sign Left lane must turn left sign
You must turn left at the intersection.
No Entry sign No Entry sign
You must not drive beyond this sign.
Left turn on red light permitted sign Left turn on red light permitted sign
You can turn left on a red light after stopping where this sign is displayed. When turning left you must give way to all traffic approaching from the right.

Warning signs

Warning signs or advisory signs let you know that road changes are coming up on your drive, including potentially hazardous conditions on or near the road.

Warning signs are usually black on a yellow background and are mostly diamond shaped.

Yellow diamond cross sign Yellow diamond cross sign
You are coming up to a crossroad.
Yellow diamond T sign Yellow diamond T sign
The road you are driving on is about to end, you must give way to all traffic before turning right or left.
Yellow diamond lane change sign Yellow diamond lane change sign
The road you are driving on will change ahead to two lanes of oncoming traffic.
Yellow diamond side on T sign Yellow diamond side on T sign
The road you are driving on meets a side road to the right.
Yellow diamond arrow sign – curve sign Yellow diamond arrow sign – curve sign
The road you're driving on curves to the right up ahead.
Yellow diamond arrow sign – turn sign Yellow diamond arrow sign – turn sign
The road you're driving on turns sharply to the right up ahead.
Yellow diamond hook arrow sign – hairpin bend Yellow diamond hook arrow sign – hairpin bend
The road you're driving on is about to take a sharp bend to the left ahead.
Yellow diamond bendy arrow sign Yellow diamond bendy arrow sign
Winding road ahead.
Yellow diamond Y sign Yellow diamond Y sign
Road divides ahead.
Yellow diamond merging sign Yellow diamond merging sign
Divided road ends ahead.
Yellow diamond bottle neck sign Yellow diamond bottle neck sign
Road narrows ahead.
Yellow diamond with red triangle sign Yellow diamond with red triangle sign
Give way sign ahead
Yellow diamond with red hexagon sign Yellow diamond with red hexagon sign
Stop sign ahead.
Yellow diamond with arrow and walking legs sign Yellow diamond with arrow and walking legs sign
Pedestrian crossing ahead.
Yellow diamond with walking people sign Yellow diamond with walking people sign
Pedestrians might be crossing ahead.
Yellow diamond with walking children sign Yellow diamond with walking children sign
Children might be crossing ahead.
Yellow diamond with the word Hospital sign Yellow diamond with the word Hospital sign
You must drive carefully as there is a hospital ahead.
Yellow diamond with a bicycle sign Yellow diamond with a bicycle sign
You must look out for bicycle riders.
Yellow diamond with a swerving car sign Yellow diamond with a swerving car sign
The road is slippery when wet.
Yellow diamond with car on a hill sign Yellow diamond with car on a hill sign
There is a steep descent ahead.
Yellow diamond with a truck sign Yellow diamond with a truck sign
Beware of slow moving vehicles entering traffic.
Yellow rectangle with the words Traffic Hazard Ahead sign Yellow rectangle with the words Traffic Hazard Ahead
This sign is used where a temporary emergency situation such as an oil spill, fallen tree or landslip exists on the road ahead.
Yellow diamond with two parallel indented lines sign Yellow diamond with two parallel indented lines sign
There is a narrow bridge ahead on the road and you must slow down and be prepared to give way or stop.
Yellow diamond with Narrow Bridge sign Yellow diamond with Narrow Bridge sign
There is a narrow bridge coming up.
Yellow diamond with the word dip sign Yellow diamond with the word Dip sign
The road ahead dips into a sudden down and then up again.
Yellow diamond with a bump sign Yellow diamond with a bump sign
There is a hump in the road ahead. A hump is a sudden slope up and then down.
Yellow diamond with a kangaroo sign Yellow diamond with a kangaroo sign
You must look out for kangaroos crossing the road.
Yellow diamond with the word Crest sign Yellow diamond with the word Crest sign
As you approach the hill you may not be able to see a safe distance in front of you so drive carefully.
Yellow diamond with the word grid sign Yellow diamond with the word Grid sign
A grid – a row of metal lengths across the road – is coming up on the road.
Yellow diamond with the word CAUSEWAY sign Yellow diamond with the word Causeway sign
A causeway – which is a raised road that has been built across a low or wet place or a body of water – is coming up on the road you're driving on.
Yellow diamond with a pole, cross and circle symbols Yellow diamond with a pole, cross and circle symbols
There is a railway crossing and flashing signal ahead.
Yellow diamond with a train sign Yellow diamond with a train sign
You must look out for trains at a railway crossing that is coming up on the road.
Early warning signals - Wig Wags Early warning signals - Wig Wags
You should prepare to stop at an intersection when you see a wig wag early warning sign with flashing lights.

Hazard signs

Yellow diamond sign with image of cattleYellow diamond sign with image of cattle Yellow diamond sign with image of cattle
Stock may be crossing ahead.

Variable message signs

Variable Message Signs Variable Message Signs
You must obey the messages warning of changes to normal road conditions – eg: crashes, road works, congestion and road closures.

Roadwork signs

You must obey any signal from a traffic controller and give way to any worker.

Roadwork signs are used on roads to warn drivers and riders to slow down, look out for any hazards and be prepared to stop. They also show the travel path through, around or past work sites.

Roadwork signs are usually rectangular and have a reflective background, black border and symbol or legend and can be a combination of colours red and black, yellow and black and in some cases occasions black and yellow.

Rectangle sign with an image of a person holding a sign Rectangle sign with an image of a person holding a sign
There is a traffic controller ahead and you must prepare to stop.
Rectangle sign with an image of a person digging Rectangle sign with an image of a person digging
There are road workers ahead.
Yellow rectangle sign with the words roadwork ahead Yellow rectangle sign with the words roadwork ahead
You are driving towards road works, slow down and be prepared to stop.
Yellow rectangle sign with the words end roadwork Yellow rectangle sign with the words end roadwork
The road work area has finished and you can resume your normal speed.
Lolly pop signs stop and slow Lolly pop signs stop and slow
You must obey these signs that are held by traffic controllers.
Red square sign with the words prepare to stop Red square sign with the words prepare to stop
You must slow down and prepare to stop.
Lit arrow sign on vehicleLit arrow sign on trailer Lit arrow sign on vehicle or at the side of the road
You are driving toward a road hazard ahead and must merge lanes.
Mobile traffic signal device Mobile traffic signal device
These are temporary traffic lights and the same rules apply for these as normal traffic lights.
Yellow sign with the words no lines do not overtake unless safe Yellow sign with the words no lines do not overtake unless safe
The road you're driving on doesn't have any lines marked on the road and you must take care if overtaking.
Closed lane ahead Closed lane ahead.
Yellow rectangle sign with cars and rocks Yellow rectangle sign with cars and rocks
You must watch for loose stones.

Speed limit signs

Regulatory speed signs Regulatory speed signs
It is illegal to drive faster than the posted speed limit. Regulatory speed limit signs have a white background with the speed limit shown inside a red circle.
Advisory speed signs Advisory speed signs
You should drive at the speed limit on this sign. Advisory speed signs are often placed before curves, bends and crests.
Local traffic zone sign 40 Local traffic zone sign 40
A local traffic area is an area of local streets that have a speed limit of 40km/h. The lower speed limit provides greater safety for all road users and lower noise levels for people living in the area. Look out for bicycle riders, pedestrians and children.
Shared zone sign 10 Shared zone sign 10
A shared traffic zone is usually a street where pedestrians, bicycle riders and other vehicles can share the road safely.
These zones often have a speed limit of 10km/h. Be sure to keep to the speed limit for the safety of all road users.
Road Work sign 40 Road work sign 40
Where a road work speed limit sign is displayed, the speed limit is enforceable and must be obeyed.
School zone signsEnd school zone sign School zone signs
You must drive at 40km/hr in a school zone during school days and the times noted on the sign. You can drive at up to 60km/h once you have left the school zone.

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