Temporary traffic management device and approval

Temporary traffic management (TTM) devices are used to control traffic flow in work zones and ensure the safety of all road users, they include:

  • signs
  • cones
  • portable traffic signals.

Read more about TTM in the Northern Territory (NT).

National approach

As part of the national harmonisation of Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) practice, the Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management (AGTTM) proposed developing a national approach to:

  • recognise new and innovative devices used for temporary traffic management
  • relieve individual territories of the responsibility of assessing and approving TTM devices
  • provide a harmonised approach in recognising approved TTM devices across Australia and New Zealand
  • help Austroads member agencies share knowledge and practical experience of their traffic control devices.

Assessment and approval

The Austroads Innovative Temporary Traffic Management Device and Solution Assessment (AITDSA) assesses emerging technologies, innovative solutions and devices that can improve safety at work sites.

Any TTM device intended for use in Australia and New Zealand must be assessed and approved through AITDSA.

How to submit

To submit to the AITDSA panel, or for more information, visit the Austroads website.

Contact us

For queries, email roadsdarwin.ntg@nt.gov.au.

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