Understanding your toddler

Eating and toilet training

Toddlers are learning about food and often want to control what they eat.

It’s up to parents to provide healthy food and drinks, and for toddlers to choose what and how much they want.

Some toddlers can be fussy eaters. Try presenting new foods with others they are familiar with.

But don’t force them. They will come to try new things in time. Read more about feeding your toddler

Toilet training

Toilet training needs to be as relaxed as possible. You can help this by:

  • making sure your toddler is ready - don’t rush it
  • not pressuring your child - they can easily get upset and have toilet accidents, or ‘hang on’ when they really need to go
  • giving lots of encouragement for each small step they master - eg: ‘Well done for pulling your pants down all by yourself’
  • reassuring your toddler if they have an accident - eg: ‘It’s OK, sometimes accidents happen’
  • waiting a month or so before trying again if there are any problems.

Read more about toilet training your toddler.

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