Support with employment
Find information and support relating to employment below.
The Northern Territory Public Sector (NTPS) is an inclusive workplace for people with disability.
You can apply for any position or join the Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment's (OCPE) Disability Employment Program.
To find out more, go to the OCPE website.
The EmployAbility Strategy 2024-2027 (the Strategy) aims to improve the participation of people with disability in the NTPS.
The strategy's vision is to provide people with disability in the NTPS equitable opportunities to reach their career potential.
To find out more, go to the OCPE website.
Everyone Can Work is a website by Inclusion Australia. It has job information for people with intellectual disabilities, their families and supporters.
The site explains the employment system in simple language and includes a guide on open employment.
For more information, go to the Everyone Can Work website.
JobAccess helps people with disability to find and keep jobs.
Get support and information on disability employment, go to the Australian Government's JobAccess website.
The Employment Assistance Fund (EAF) helps people with disability or mental health conditions and their employers.
EAF provides financial help for work-related modifications and equipment including Australian Sign Language (Auslan) services.
You can access the EAF if you are:
- about to start a job
- self-employed
- currently working.
To find out more, go to the Australian Government's JobAccess website.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can help you with extra financial assistance to reach your employment goals.
To find out more, go to the NDIS website.
If you are a person with disability, you can apply for free training courses to help you get practical skills for work.
These courses are jointly funded by the NT and Australian governments.
Read more about free training courses.