Apply for housing

Apply for priority housing

This page has information about priority housing in the Northern Territory.

Who can apply

You must be eligible for public housing to apply for priority housing.

You can apply for priority housing if you are:

  • homeless
  • at risk of homelessness
  • experiencing domestic or family violence
  • have serious medical or social problems.

If your application is approved you will go on a waiting list.

It may be months or years before you get an offer of housing.

How to apply

Follow these steps to apply.

Step 1: Check you are eligible

Read the section Who can apply above

Step 2: Read the application form

Read the information at the beginning of the housing application form so you understand what you need to do.

Step 3: Collect the documents you need

You will need to provide documents to support your application and prove your need for priority.

As well as all the information needed to apply for public housing, you may also have to provide the following:

  • letter from your doctor or medical specialist
  • letter from your social worker or support agency
  • copy of a current domestic violence order or a police report.

Step 4: Fill in the form

Fill in the housing application form, including part D - Request for priority housing or transfer.

Step 5: Take your application form to a housing office

Take your form and supporting documents to your local housing office.

Ask the housing officer to check your application form.  They will tell you if you need to provide any more information.

They may also ask you to make an appointment to go through your application and the information you have provided to help them assess your need for priority housing.

If your application is approved

You will be sent a letter to confirm your application has been approved and you will be placed on a waiting list.

You will be offered accommodation when you reach the top of the wait list and a suitable property becomes available.

If your application is not approved

You will be sent a letter explaining why your application has not been approved.

All applications that are not approved are automatically reviewed a second time before this letter is sent to you.

The letter will also tell you how to appeal the decision.

You can also ask to remain on the general housing wait list and you will be offered accommodation when it is your turn.

Short term accommodation

If you need immediate help, the ShelterMe website offers an online directory with information about accommodation options and support services across the NT including:

  • crisis
  • transitional
  • short term
  • low cost options
  • supported accommodation
  • and other services.

Other options include applying for an interest free loan to get into a private rental accommodation.

You can also look in the Yellow Pages for hostels, boarding houses or motels in your area.

Contact your local housing office for more information.

Start your public housing tenancy

Find information below for starting a public housing tenancy in the Northern Territory.

You must start your tenancy within 7 days from the date you accepted the offer.

Before you move in, you must do all of the following:

  • pay your first rental payment
  • pay your bond
  • sign your tenancy or lease agreement
  • complete a property condition report.

You will then get your keys so you can move in.

The tenancy agreement is a legally binding document that includes all of the following:

  • how much rent you must pay
  • when the regular payments of rent must be made
  • how much bond money you must pay
  • your rights and responsibilities as a tenant
  • the rights and responsibilities of the Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities as your landlord.

It is important that you read and understand the tenancy agreement.

You should also keep a copy of your signed and dated agreement. The department will also keep a copy on file.

If you breach any conditions, your lease may be terminated and you will be told to move out.

For more information, read the guide to the public housing tenancy agreement PDF (2.4 MB).

If you need help

If you are having difficulty understanding your tenancy agreement, more help is available from your local housing office.

Interpreters are also available if you need one. Find out about interpreter services.

A condition report on your property will also be filled out before you move in and you will be invited to be there, to help and agree to what is recorded.

These condition reports are essential to protect you as the tenant and the department from being charged maintenance costs that are not their responsibility.

For more information, read the vacant property maintenance fact sheet PDF (475.8 KB).