Spatial data for clearing applications

You must provide spatial data if you want to apply for a permit to do any of the following:

Your application won't be accepted without the right data.

What to include

Your application must include two spatial data files:

  • footprint (single part polygon) containing the proposal - for example, clearing area, non-pastoral use
  • land type map (single part polygon) containing land types in and immediately beyond the boundaries of the proposal footprint.

The preferred format is shapefile.

Rules for submitting spatial data

Spatial data for land clearing should include:

  • a coordinate system: Geo-graphics – Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994
  • x, y coordinates only (z and m coordinates removed)
  • polygons snapped (i.e. the removal of all snippets and overlaps)
  • no white spaces (text variables)
  • no spelling errors
  • area calculated in hectares (preferred: GDA94 Australian Albers projection).

Footprint data

The minimum features for a clearing footprint spatial data include:

  • OBJECT ID – this is an automated field
  • reference name – each polygon must have a unique reference name (i.e. paddock name)
  • proposed use – proposed use of each polygon
  • area ha – area of each polygon calculated in hectares (preferred projection: GDA94 Australian Albers).

See example in the table below.

OBJECTID Reference name Proposed use Area ha
1 Paddock A Improved pasture 67.25
2 Paddock BImproved pasture 0.78

Land type map data

The minimum features for a land type map spatial data include:

  • OBJECT ID – this is an automated field
  • land type – land type classification
  • description –  land type description
  • land capability – suitability score
  • area ha – area of each polygon calculated in hectares (preferred projection: GDA94 Australian Albers).

See example in the table below.

OBJECTID Land TypeDescription Land capability Area ha
1 A Rises, slopes 4 to 6% with a woodland of Corymbia bleeseri (glossy leaved bloodwood); well drained shallow rocky, gravelly (rudosol) soils. Sandy surfaced. Hard rock at 40cm. 4 0.78
2 B Plains, slopes 0 to 2%, nil rock with eucalyptus miniata (woolybutt); eucalyptus tetrodonta (stringy bark) with deep well-drained red (kandosol) soils. Sandy surfaced to sandy clay loam at 1.0m. Significant gravel from 1.0m. 2



For more information, call the Development Coordination Branch on 08 8999 4454 or email

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