
Closing and rehabilitating a mine site

Mine closure is part of the life of a mine (LOM).

It refers to the period of time when the operational stage of a mine is ending or has ended, and the final decommissioning and mine rehabilitation is being carried out.

Mine closure may be only temporary in some cases, or may lead into a program of care and maintenance.

It includes a wide range of drivers, processes and outcomes.

Mine completion is the goal of mine closure. The LOM ends at mine completion.

It is reached when a certificate of closure is issued under the Mining Management Act 2001 and rehabilitated land can be handed over and responsibility accepted by the next land user.

How to close a mining site

If you intend to close a mining site, the site must be rehabilitated so the land can be safely used for other purposes.

You should rehabilitate it progressively both during the mining operation and once mining has ceased.

You must discuss how the land will be used after mining with the department and other stakeholders.

This must be done at the earliest stages of planning and before any approvals are sought.

You must include planning and costing for mine closure and decommissioning in the mining management plan, and review and update the information throughout the mine's life.

Evaluation criteria

The department will consider the following when assessing whether a mine site has been successfully rehabilitated:

  • compatibility with the agreed land use after mining completion
  • safety
  • risk to livestock and other animals from contaminated water
  • land stability
  • waste management and rubbish removal
  • revegetation or other improvements
  • visual impact
  • condition of heritage and archaeological sites.

Get the following handbooks for leading practice advice on rehabilitating and closing mine sites.

Mine closure and completion PDF (3.1 MB)
Mine rehabilitation PDF (3.5 MB)

Apply to close a mining site

To apply to close a mine site, fill in the application for a certificate of closure and submit the application to the department.

Application for a certificate of closure DOCX (70.4 KB)
Application for a certificate of closure PDF (37.1 KB)

You must include a report that describes and provides evidence of rehabilitation completed on the site.

After you submit the application, the department will assess it and may visit the site to confirm rehabilitation has been completed effectively.

When the department is satisfied with the rehabilitation, it will:

  • revoke the mining authorisation
  • issue a certificate of closure
  • return the security.

Return of security

To get your security returned, you must provide proof that the mine site has been properly rehabilitated and is safe, stable and non-polluting.

Departmental officers may visit the site to assess the rehabilitation. The inspection will determine when and how much security will be returned.

Guides for closure of exploration sites

A guide to clearing and rehabilitating grid lines and tracks  during exploration.

Clearing and rehabilitation of grid lines and tracks guide DOCX (647.2 KB)
Clearing and rehabilitation of grid lines and tracks guide PDF (106.4 KB)

A guide to constructing and restoring costeans and bulk sample pits.

Construction and rehabilitation of costeans and bulk sample pits PDF (119.9 KB)

A guide to constructing and rehabilitating drill pads, benches and drill holes.

Construction and rehabilitation of exploration drill sites PDF (632.3 KB)

Rehabilitation report

For information on what you must include in a rehabilitation report for a certificate of closure application, read the below guide.

Exploration rehabilitation report structure guide DOCX (270.3 KB)
Exploration rehabilitation report structure guide PDF (342.8 KB)