Prevent weed spread: industry and recreation

Corridor construction and mineral exploration

You can prevent the spread of weeds when constructing new corridors or undertaking exploration works.

The construction of all of the following can potentially result in major weed spread into remote and clean areas:

  • roads
  • tracks
  • power lines
  • telecommunications lines
  • railways
  • pipelines
  • exploration lines.

Prevent weed spread

You must do all of the following to prevent the spread of weeds when constructing corridors or undertaking exploration works:
  • go to the NR Maps website to find out about relevant declared weeds
  • map locations and densities of declared weeds by carrying out a dedicated weed survey and send it to the Weed Management Branch
  • talk to landholders about weed management before you begin work
  • make sure that site operations staff can identify relevant weeds
  • inspect and clean weed seeds from all equipment - especially if it came from interstate - before you begin work
  • if your vehicles pass through weed infestations make sure they are cleaned before moving them to weed-free areas
  • clean your machinery, vehicles and equipment before moving them between sites or across property lines
  • clean down in areas that are flat, easy to access, and that don't drain into a waterway
  • record the location of clean down areas
  • check for weed growth on corridors and clean down areas after the first rains and control weeds before they establish
  • minimise the disturbance to soils and native vegetation
  • work to control weeds with government agencies and landholders, particularly those with adjoining or overlapping corridors.

What you must not do

You must not do any of the following when constructing corridors or conducting exploration works: 

  • don't drive through weeds
  • don't import or export contaminated material including sand, gravel, rock and fill.

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